One reviewer of this book makes the comment, “The sort of book that blocks out the rest of the world” and it is so true.

Key Points:

  • This novel may appear to be a classic ‘chick-lit’ read, however after only a few pages you realise there is much more at play here.
  • ‘Picture of You’ contains sensitive issues, so be gentle with yourself if these matters hit close to home for you.
  • I give Pictures of You 5 stars out of 5!

Emma Grey, author of ‘‘The Last Love Note’, has written an impactful, engrossing novel titled ‘Pictures of You’. 

The story follows Evie Hudson who wakes to find herself in a hospital bed with a case of amnesia.

Evie is slowly introduced to aspects of her life however something doesn’t feel right. Why is her home so large and high-class? This wedding ring isn’t something she would ever choose. And her in-laws – they bring more concerns than comfort!

This novel may appear to be a classic ‘chick-lit’ read, however you quickly realise there is much more at play here.

This novel may appear at first glance, to be a classic ‘chick-lit’ read, however after only a few pages you realise there is much more at play here.

‘Pictures of You’ actually warns the reader at the beginning that the novel contains sensitive issues such as suicide, domestic violence, a car accident and more, so be gentle with yourself if these matters hit close to home for you.

Emma Grey tackles these topics in such a delicate, compassionate way.

‘Pictures of You’ contains sensitive issues, so be gentle with yourself if these matters hit close to home for you.

You find yourself caught up in the emotional turmoil and confusion that Evie experiences as she is swept along in the riptide of a life that is damaged and lonely, yet at the same time you feel a sense of safety – this is brought in by other characters such as Drew and Bree who provide the grounding and familiarity that Evie needs to connect the dots and get a second chance at life.

I devoured this book in two nights and when I turned the last page I found myself feeling so emotional! It is a beautiful combination of heartbreak and love, isolation and belonging, and when you get to the end you feel like you have been on the journey alongside Evie, and you don’t want to step off the ride just yet!

I give Pictures of You 5 stars out of 5.

I give this book five stars for the way Emma handles the sensitive subjects whilst simultaneously pulling you into the fictional world of Evie Hudson.

This novel evokes feelings of compassion, empathy and dare I say, understanding, of how many men and women might find themselves trapped in similar situations in real life. It is truly hard to find the words, but I am going to be thinking about this book for a long time.

Emma Grey is a novelist, feature writer, photographer, mother and more.

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Article written by Brittany Garcia. Brittany is the Community Relations Administrator at Hope 103.2. She has always had a love for reading and wants to encourage as many people as possible to discover the joy for themselves!

Book cover image supplied. Photo of Brittany used with permission. Background header image by CanvaPro

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