What kind of dwelling do you live in?
Key points
  • Most of us don’t live in our ideal dwelling, which helps us appreciate that we have a better home coming.
  • In life and in death, our true home is with God.
  • Listen to the Psalm 23 series and others on Real Hope | The Podcast.

Is it everything you’ve hoped for? Or will it do for now?

Maybe you’re living somewhere that you just can’t wait to get out of. Most of us don’t live in our ideal dwelling, and that can be a good thing as it helps us appreciate that we have a better home coming.

Some of us love the place we live in and that can also be a good thing. Enjoying the place we live in can help us appreciate God’s goodness and provision.

Most of us don’t live in our ideal dwelling, which helps us appreciate that we have a better home coming.

This well-known psalm written by the most famous king of Israel, David, ends with this belief that at the end of his days he would ‘dwell in the house of the Lord forever.’ David was not only certain of the Lord’s goodness and provision in his immediate circumstances, but also into eternity. What he’s saying here is that in life and in death, his true home is with God.

The house of the Lord is far greater than an idealised version of a house on earth. It is literally God dwelling with us. And Psalm 84 tells us it’s the place you want to be. It is the place of His protection, the place where His favour and honour are found. It is the place where true peace, joy, and strength continually abound – and it is the dwelling place of the forgiven, the true home of all those who trust in Jesus.

In life and in death, our true home is with God.

We already know this dwelling, in part, as Jesus lives in us. But we too, like David before us, will know this in all its fullness when Jesus returns and calls us home.

Listen to this episode in the player above.

Real Hope: Psalm 23

Psalm 23 is a seven-week series. Psalm 23 is one of the best known and loved passages in the Bible. It is the go-to verse for difficult seasons while being foundational for the daily Christian life.

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Feature image: Photo by CanvaPro

Episode supplied with thanks to Quynh Eastman.

Originally published as ‘The Best is Yet to Come’ in Real Hope, July-August 2024.

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