By: Benjamin Ruge

TLDR: This week for Fully Sick Adventures, Elerrina and Jodie explore everything at the Surie Ranch in Mudgeeraba.

Good Taste Brekky has a brand-new segment called Fully Sick Adventures, where Elerrina and Jodie explore all around the Gold Coast doing fun family-friendly activities for you.

This week Jodie organised for Elerrina, the self-acclaimed trophy-winning horse rider, to work with a bunch of horses at the Surie Ranch in Mudgeeraba, rather than ride them. 

Horse coach Natalie took Elerrina through the steps of waking up the horses, taking their pyjamas off and getting them ready for the day – which included cleaning their stalls.

“There were so many flies!” Elerrina expresses. “I will have you know, I cleaned horse poop everyone.”

“You were just like ‘what do I do with it?’ and didn’t know where to put the poop,” Jodie laughs. “It’s called a pitchfork my friend, you just pick it up and put it in the bin.”

Natalie also took Elerrina through the process of cleaning Socks (the horse) hooves, while resisting the urge to vomit.

Surie Ranch offers a day of fun that involves helping wake the horses up for the day, horseback riding games, lunch and craft activities, making it a perfect day out with animals for the family.

“It’s the perfect introduction to understanding what it is like to own a horse,” Jodie says.

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