By: Benjamin Ruge

TLDR: This week for Fully Sick Adventures, Elerrina and Jodie learnt the age-old skill of axe throwing with Lumber Punks Gold Coast.

Good Taste Brekky has a segment called Fully Sick Adventures, where Elerrina and Jodie explore all around the Gold Coast doing fun family-friendly activities for you.

Elerrina and Jodie learnt the age-old skill of axe throwing, or began the journey of it anyhow, with Lumber Punks Axe Throwing Gold Coast.

With self-contained lanes, venues to host large groups and democracy with the soundtrack, Lumber Punks Axe Throwing has you covered.

Lumber Punks offers one-and-a-half hour sessions with an instructor to teach you how to throw all types of axes, leaving plenty of time for both training and games.

“Well, I’m very excited to go throw some axes!” Elerrina said.

Jodie, “at each other?”

“At some targets; it’s basically darts for adults,” Fox, the instructor, chuckles. “Nobody wins at darts by throwing it the hardest, it’s all about technique, and that’s what we’re going to be giving you today.”

Elerrina talks about the techniques the Lumber Punks Team taught them, which started with five mini tomahawks.

“I was busy throwing them one after another,” Elerrina laughs.

Jodie said, “in my head, I thought we wouldn’t be throwing real axes, I thought it’d be some kind of safety kid axe.”

“I really wished I listened to what Fox said about not throwing them hard, because I was literally just pegging them,” Elerrina laughs. “It was great.”

Jodie laughs, “I actually asked to move one cage over from you because you were throwing them very hard.”

Listen below for a little bit of healthy competition between Elerrina and Jodie, and to find out who takes home the Lumber Punks trophy.

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