I will both lie down in peace, and sleep; For You alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety. Psalm 4:8 (NKJV)
Key points
- What makes you feel safe?
- Our circumstances aren’t always guaranteed to make us feel safe, but what we can trust in is God.
- Listen to the Peace series and others on Real Hope | The Podcast.
What makes you feel safe?
Is it your lockable flyscreen door? Having money to spare? Feeling protected by the people around you?
There’s a lot that can cause us fear and have us desiring security. Whether it’s economic concerns and the constant messages of uncertainty surrounding what the future will look like, our own anxieties, or being exposed to the realities of crime, feeling afraid isn’t uncommon.
In Psalm 8, though, we learn about a safety that comes from trust in God. And based on that trust, the writer found peace.
Our circumstances aren’t always guaranteed to make us feel safe, but what we can trust in is God.
Our circumstances aren’t always guaranteed to make us feel safe or inherently secure, but what we can trust in is God. He is our ultimate security regardless of circumstance and regardless of outcome.
What a weight off our shoulders to know that dwelling with God means dwelling in eternal safety.
Listen to this episode in the player above.
Peace is a seven-week series. Peace can be defined as – freedom from disturbance, worry or annoyance; tranquility; calm. We all have seasons of life where achieving this feels impossible, but luckily for us we have Jesus the Prince of Peace walking with us! Read along with this series of devotionals on Peace and learn about how you too can gain a peace that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7).
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Feature image: Photo by CanvaPro
Episode supplied with thanks to Laura Bennett.
Originally published as ‘Peace Beyond Understanding’ in Real Hope, May-June 2024.
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