By: Dr Eliezer Gonzalez

Even you can soar on wings of eagles. You may have heard the saying, “It’s hard to soar with the eagles when you’re surrounded by turkeys.”

It’s true that life feels like that sometimes, although of course the saying is quite wrong in attributing your failure to soar to the faults of others. Usually it’s because we ourselves are the turkeys.

I certainly don’t feel like an eagle most mornings when I wake up! I don’t feel like an eagle when struggling with different health issues. I don’t feel like an eagle as I navigate difficult personal relationships. And I definitely don’t feel like an eagle when faced with my own personal short-comings and character flaws. I think you can probably relate to what I am saying, right?

Let go of your frantic attempts to control your life and rest in the currents of God’s love.

But you know, there are times when I feel that I am soaring like an eagle. That’s when my thoughts are elevated to my God, to the love of Christ for me, what he has accomplished for my salvation, and the glorious future he has prepared for me. When I think upon these things, my heart soars high above the difficulties of this world.

I can soar like an eagle like any time. I sometimes soar like an eagle during worship with my church community, or when I enter into a quiet time of prayer. I can also soar like an eagle when I am simply walking in a beautiful place, such as an expansive beach, and my thoughts turn to my Saviour.

The more that I spiritually soar like an eagle in my times of special connection with God, the more that I also soar in my daily lives, when my mind is focused on the mundane tasks of daily lives.

I believe that all of this is true for most of us.

The Bible talks about soaring like eagles in this beautiful verse from the prophet Isaiah:

those who hope in the Lord
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint 
(Isaiah 40:31).

You can soar on the wings of eagles.

I remember that when I was very young, I would run and not get tired. I felt like I could run like the wind! Now, if I walk a long way, I might feel a bit weary. When I was young, I looked towards the future with happy anticipation, looking forward to all the wonderful things I would achieve. I thought I would soar high like an eagle.

The passing of the years has somewhat modified some of my experience of life. I have attempted to soar on wings like eagles in every part of my life: in my career, in my relationships, and in my spiritual life.

I tried all the avenues that our society offers. There are many motivational speakers, seminars, books on success, and so on that you can turn to for advice about how to be successful in life. Sometimes there may be some good in them, but I’ve discovered that God’s advice is the best.

I’ve learnt that if you want to soar high in your life, like you’re on the wings of eagles, then trust in the Lord. That’s what “hope in the Lord means.” Let go of your frantic attempts to control your life, and rest in the currents of his love.

Article supplied with thanks to Dr Eliezer Gonzalez.

About the Author: Dr Eli Gonzalez is the Senior Pastor of Good News Unlimited and the presenter of the Unlimited radio spots, and The Big Question. Sign up to his free online course called Becoming a Follower of Jesus to learn about Jesus and His message.

Feature image: Photo by Mathew Schwartz on Unsplash

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