The gospel of Jesus Christ is well-known and widespread, but do you know exactly what is the gospel (good news) of Jesus Christ?

Key Points:

  • The Gospel According to the Gospels podcast is a limited series that wants to help us know the good news of Jesus.
  • Expand your understanding of the gospel with a terrific ensemble of gospel experts.
  • “We hope The Gospel According to the Gospels inspires you to increase your love for and devotion to Jesus Christ.”
  • Listen to the trailer in the player above.

Is it just one thing – Jesus – or more, from sacrifice to salvation, forgiveness to forever?

Can it be explained in one sentence, or several paragraphs, chapters or volumes?

The Gospel According to the Gospels podcast is a limited series that wants to help us know the good news of Jesus.

Each episode features a Biblical expert guiding us through one of the four New Testament Gospels – Matthew, Mark, Luke and John – or a related theme, to galvanise our grip on the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Gospel According to the Gospels podcast is a limited series that wants to help us know the good news of Jesus.

“Since Jesus lived, died and rose again, the gospel can seem to be different depending on where and when you live,” The Gospel According to the Gospels host Ben McEachen said.

“We only need to look around the world today to see people defining the gospel with a huge variety of focus, emphasis or outcomes.

“With The Gospel According to the Gospels podcast, we wanted to return to God’s word to explore what it presents as the good news of Jesus.”

The Gospel According to the Gospels podcast features a terrific ensemble of gospel experts.

Expand your understanding of the gospel with a terrific ensemble of gospel experts.

Expand your understanding of the gospel with David Starling (Morling Baptist College) revealing the “Matthew-ness” of the first Gospel, including ancient foundations, justice, righteousness and heartfelt obedience. Guiding us through Mark’s Gospel, Peter Bolt (Sydney College of Divinity) shares the simplicity and complexity of the gospel being one word: Jesus.

Dr John Griffiths (Alphacrucis College) explains how Luke’s Gospel outlines the impact of the good news upon every area of our lives. Dr Deb Snoddy (Catholic Institute of Sydney) unpacks a terrific summary of what John’s Gospel portrays of the gospel: Jesus descended from heaven purpose to “drag us back up to where we truly belong – with God”.

“We hope The Gospel According to the Gospels inspires you to increase your love for and devotion to Jesus Christ.”

Along with deep dives into the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, The Gospel According to the Gospels assists us with vital context and encouraged conviction.

Ben spoke with Dr Ali Robinson (United Theological College, Charles Sturt University) about the meaning of “the gospel” before and after Jesus, and evangelism advocate Sam Chan (City Bible Forum) sharing the good news as we better appreciate it.

With so much to learn and know, Ben McEachen said the aim of the podcast was simple: “We hope The Gospel According to the Gospels inspires you to increase your love for and devotion to Jesus Christ.”

Listen to The Gospels According to the Gospels now on the app or wherever you get your podcasts.

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