If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men. Romans 12:18 (NKJV)
Key points
- What is it you’re expecting when you think about peace?.
- When I’m faced with difficult situations, I’m responsible for my own actions and words.
- Listen to the Peace series and others on Real Hope | The Podcast.
What is it you’re expecting when you think about peace?
I’m really encouraged when I read Romans 12:18 because it reminds me of two huge things. First, that God is the one in control of all things. And second, that I’m only called to do my part.
Both of those bring me immense comfort because I know God is worthy of my trust and because I know He will help me do my part too. So, ‘as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone’. Still a hefty challenge. And one that requires me to humbly come before God and confess that I don’t always get it right.
I may not be at ‘war’ with anyone, but when I’m faced with difficult situations – whether it involves a checkout worker or a family member – I’m reminded that I’m responsible for my own actions and words.
When I’m faced with difficult situations, I’m responsible for my own actions and words.
I know God is gracious. He knows me. He knows my sin and has already forgiven me for all of it. And He knows the areas of my life where He needs to help me grow and change to be more like Jesus. I know it’s safe to run to Him and show Him the truth of what’s happened.
I wonder what the current state of your world is. Are there situations where ‘as far as it depends on you’ you’re not living at peace? Are you ready to show God the truth of what’s happened and to let Him help you?
You’re not accountable for anyone else’s choices, but you are accountable for your own.
A good place to start is always prayer.
Listen to this episode in the player above.
Peace is a seven-week series. Peace can be defined as – freedom from disturbance, worry or annoyance; tranquility; calm. We all have seasons of life where achieving this feels impossible, but luckily for us we have Jesus the Prince of Peace walking with us! Read along with this series of devotionals on Peace and learn about how you too can gain a peace that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7).
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Feature image: Photo by CanvaPro
Episode supplied with thanks to Katie Smith.
Originally published as ‘Live at Peace’ in Real Hope, May-June 2024.
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