These hot dog buns came about after I received a message from a mum. Her daughter needed a grain and gluten free bun that looked like other kids buns for when she went to parties. I’ve used yeast to help create a soft-centred bun (choose a yeast without additives, Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the type for baking bread). They are perfect to cradle your hot dog or sausage in.
Serves: 4 or 6 kid size | Prep Time: 00:20 | Cooking Time: 00:35 | Plus 1 hr to prove dough
350ml warm filtered water, (not hot or yeast won’t foam)
2 tsp (7g) dried yeast
1 Tbsp maple syrup, 100%
1 1/3 cups almond meal/flour, (from blanched almonds)
1 cup arrowroot flour
1/3 cup coconut flour
2 Tbsp psyllium husk powder, (if you don’t have the powder, ground down husks in a blender)
1 Tbsp golden flaxseed (fine ground)
1 1/4 tsp fine sea salt
Olive oil or melted ghee, to brush the tops of the buns
Pour the warm water into a jug or bowl and whisk in the yeast. Add the maple syrup and stir (the yeast will feed on the maple syrup). Allow to sit for 15 minutes while foam forms on top.
Meanwhile, add the almond meal, arrowroot, coconut flour, psyllium powder, flaxseed and salt to a large bowl. Stir well and remove any lumps.
Pour the warm foaming mixture into the dry ingredients and mix well to combine. Let the dough sit for 2 minutes to allow the moisture to be absorbed, then kneed the dough for 45 – 60 seconds. Cover the bowl with a tea towel and let sit in a warm spot out of a draught for 1 hour.
Preheat oven to 190c (fan-forced) 10 minutes before the proving has finished. Line a baking tray with baking paper.
Divide the risen dough into 4 equal portions (approx. 168g each) or 6 portions for kids size buns (approx. 112g each). Coat your palms with olive oil and shape the portions into round logs, then roll the logs between your palms to make the surface smooth, add extra oil to your palms as needed. Make the 4 portions 17cm long (the kid sizes 12 – 13cms).
Place the dough portions on the prepared tray and wipe olive oil or melted ghee over the tops and sides. Slice a 1cm deep cut down the centre of the whole length of the buns.
Bake for 35 minutes (25 – 30 mins for small buns) or until golden brown and the tops are firm. Allow to cool on the tray before slicing and serving.
To serve: Cut a V shape in the precut line down the centre of the buns and remove the small wedge of bread and place your fillings into the cavity. We enjoy fried onions with our additive-free hot dogs or sausage. These buns are also delicious sliced and toasted, and spread with grass-fed butter or ghee.
Suitable to freeze (if you would like to crispen them back up, place the buns into a preheated oven for 5 – 10 minutes).
HAMBURGER BUN option: Divide into 5 equal portions and roll into balls, flatten slightly to form a round bun shape and cut a cross on the top of each bun. Wipe the tops with olive oil or melted ghee. Bake for 35 minutes.
Article supplied with thanks to The JOYful Table.
About the Author: Susan is an author of The JOYful Table cookbook containing gluten & grain free, and Paleo inspired recipes for good health and well being.
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