Recently I had the most joyfully productive day: you know the ones?

Where you feel so on fire for your purpose, you are checking that list, making moves… and then: this happened.

My son and I were in a car accident. It was quick and utterly terrifying. We were bruised, sore but unharmed.  The car was totaled. But we were safe. And the other family was too.

And I feel so grateful. We had angels show up all around us, random strangers who took Michael while I was too weak to hold him. The guy who bought us Cokes and got stuff out of my car. The women who waited with me while my husband and family came.

Life happens. I have experienced such highs and lows together: where one thing is working so beautifully and another is literally torn apart.

Where I’m standing fiercely and being knocked back by circumstances.

Today I’m holding my son closer – because life is short. I’m also working on launching my podcast – because life is short.

Don’t let the crash in your life stop you from stepping up. Let it bring you clarity on what’s important, and help you to become unstoppable in protecting and producing that thing you were created for.

I love that saying “if you are going through hell, walk through like you own the place”.

Not today devil, get out of my way. Please God, you and I have got goals to slay.

Article supplied with thanks to Rachel Reva at Life On Her Terms.

Feature image: Supplied, Rachel Reva

About the author: Rachel Reva is a PR consultant and author with a career that has spanned TV, writing, radio and politics. Born in Georgia, USA, Rachel now lives in Australia with her young family, and is heard every week on radio.

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