Films for young viewers
- Alice in Wonderland
- Mulan
- Harry Potter series – Hermione Granger has to be one of the coolest girls in film and books
Reel Dialogue pick: Brave (Disney+)
Synopsis: Merida, an independent archer, disobeys an ancient custom which unleashes a dark force. After meeting an elderly witch, as she journeys to reverse the curse, she discovers the real meaning of bravery.
Films for teens
Even though they don’t want to be known as ‘girls,’ these films will make these teens proud to be a girl.
- Little Women
- Emma
- Cruella
- Black Widow
Reel Dialogue pick: Wonder Woman (Paramount+, Binge)
Synopsis: Princess Diana of an all-female Amazonian race rescues US pilot Steve. Upon learning of a war, she ventures into the world of men to stop Ares, the god of war, from destroying mankind.
Films for Grown-up girls
A list of films that Mum can enjoy with her girls on International Day of The Girl.
- Legally Blonde
- The Help
- Miss Congeniality
Reel Dialogue pick: Hidden Figures (Disney+)
Synopsis: Three female African-American mathematicians play a pivotal role in astronaut John Glenn’s launch into orbit. Meanwhile, they also have to deal with racial and gender discrimination at work.
Article supplied with thanks to Hope Media.
Feature image: Official Wonder Woman Facebook
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