By: Laura Bennett

There was a time in Australian history where you could chat to a neighbour about their weekend plans, and a family visit to church and this month’s working bee would easily come up. Some neighbours may have been ‘Christmas Christians’ more than weekly attendees, but connection to a church community was fairly standard.

Nowadays, we can’t assume everyone knows what a visit to church entails. ‘Christianity’ is an unfamiliar brand to some. Which means the work of the church in charity, aid, and community development is crucial. Volunteers and pastors not only demonstrate Jesus’ love to humanity, but can be the first person who’s ever told someone about Him.

Seeing churches as imperative for cultural growth, African Enterprise prides itself on partnering with local church leaders to spearhead their development work across Africa.

Founded in 1961 by South African evangelist Michael Cassidy, African Enterprise has reached over 1 million people each year with the Gospel message. Local Africans carry Cassidy’s original vision of the whole church working together through the mission process. Meaning that from evangelism, to conversion and discipleship, Africa knows their local church as the face of help, love, and social engagement.

In Ghana, through African Enterprise’s Street Children Program churches meet with children otherwise disconnected from mainstream society, giving them an alternative to life on the street, and restoring their dignity.

Daniel Owusu Agyeman who works with the Street Program says, “…a number of children are accused of crimes they never committed, simply because they were at the wrong place at the wrong time… Criminals often take advantage of [children] and lure them into robbery, contributing to the rate of juvenile crime in the country.”

This month partner with African Enterprise and support their Street Children Program, mobilising the church and thousands of volunteers to reach out to their local communities. This change is only made possible through the support of people like you.

You can partner with African Enterprise now on the Great Commission in Africa and continue to enable change.

Article supplied with thanks to African Enterprise who bring the good news of Jesus to the people of Africa.

About the Author: Laura Bennett is a media professional, broadcaster and writer from Sydney, Australia.

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