By: Judah Kampkes

Especially when it comes to sharing about faith, learning how to have a discussion about Jesus without it turning into a fist-fight is an art, but it’s something every Christian needs to be equipped to do.

The world’s favourite child president, Kid President, is here to set the record straight. Our differences give us opportunity to ‘grow-up’, not ‘blow-up’.

Here are 6 Tips on How to Disagree Respectfully

Tip 1: Treat People like they’re People, People!
Remember, the person you’re disagreeing with has feelings too.

Tip 2: Listen, Listen, Listen
Before trying to change somone’s opinion, take time to understand theirs.

Tip 3: Pause, Breathe, Love
Don’t let your fustration get the better of you, and don’t say it until you can say it in love.

Tip 4: Distract them
If you’re really stuck in an argument, take the conversation somewhere else, and save the friendship.

Tip 5: Acceptance
Not everybody is the same, and that’s sometimes a good thing. We need to find a way to see past the momentary disagreement, and stay in relationship.

Tip 6: Dance!
You know you want to, you good thing! Have fun, don’t be so serious.

Article supplied with thanks to The Journey by yesHeis.

About the Author: Robby Novak is an American personality best known for portraying Kid President on YouTube and on television. yesHeis provides various resources to help share your faith in relatable ways.

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