Membership - Juice 107.3


Juice 107.3 is a community radio station operated by Juice Media Ltd, a not-for-profit charity that is a Christian community media organisation. The overall management of the ministry is vested in the Board of Directors, who are elected by the Company’s Members.

Benefits of being a Member

  • you enable Juice 107.3 to share hope across the Gold Coast and impact them with experiences of God’s love so they might become more like Christ and the world more like His kingdom
  • you can participate in the governance of the organisation at General Meetings including voting, and being nominated as a director.

A non tax-deductible membership fee of $25 (plus GST) is payable annually on approval of your Membership Application by the Board’s Membership Committee.

You can apply for membership below, or download and return the completed form. Your first membership payment will be deducted once your membership is approved.

The Easy Steps to Becoming a Juice Media Member

  1. Fill in and submit the membership form below
  2. Or download the Juice Media Membership form and email or post it back to Juice Media Ltd
  3. On acceptance pay the non tax-deductible membership fee of $25 (plus GST)


Apply for Membership Online

The membership fee is currently set at $25 + GST (not tax deductible).
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