What is Easter? Why do we get the public holidays? What are people remembering? Should we even be celebrating?

These are all great questions and we’re so glad you’re asking.

We hear the word ‘Easter’ every year, but what does it actually mean?

A lot of people are aware it has something to do with religion and church, and that there is a long weekend — but is it a cause for remembrance, celebration, both, neither? Nearly a billion people will celebrate Easter again this year, so obviously those numbers speak to something bigger than chocolates, Easter eggs, hot cross buns or a lazy long weekend.

Is There More to Life Than This?

Maybe, the true meaning is overlooked because of the sheer busyness of life or the current pressures we are living under.

Traditionally, the Easter long weekend has been a welcome holiday to get away from our bustling lives and spend time with family or friends. But, while Easter is often misunderstood and over-commercialised, it’s the one event that can change your life — do you want forgiveness and freedom to live a life that is not gripped by fear?

Who is Jesus?

Why Did Jesus Die?

How Can I Have Faith?

To help you better understand ‘Why Easter’ and the significance and freedom Easter can bring to your life and those of your loved ones, we’ve gathered some great resources:

Easter is your chance for a new beginning – God has taken the initiative in offering us friendship, now and forever.

Go to Juice 107.3’s The Easter Story Collection


What is Alpha?

Alpha is a series of interactive sessions exploring the Christian faith. It runs all around the globe, and everyone’s welcome. Alphas generally have three key things in common: food, a talk (where you can play an episode of the Alpha Youth Series) and good conversation.

Find out more alpha.org.au

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