TLDR: Co-founder of The Marriage Co. Jason Dawkins spoke with Elerrina about scrapping Plan B and sticking to Plan A coming into the new year for the first segment of Mental Health Mondays for 2022.
Youth Worker, Pastor and Co-founder of The Marriage Co., Jason Dawkins spoke with Elerrina about mental health and coming into the new year.
Jason jumps straight into the conversation of encouraging people to “blow up their Plan B”.
“Plan B is often a result of being indecisive and the interesting thing is indecision is typically associated with anxiety stress, mental anguish and can affect your function within society,” he explains.
Coming into the new year only 8% of people go ahead with a new year’s resolution all year and 80% following their resolution until February.

New years resolution can contribute to stress by not doing what you said you would do,” Jason said.
“The way you think will drive everything you do,”
Jason explains the way to have a ‘new me’ in the new year is by the way of a person’s thinking. When setting a goal make it measurable – having a small goal that you can see adding to the bigger goal, by taking one step at a time.
Another big point Jason makes is kicking the fear of what others think to the curb.
“Stick to plan A and own plan A and don’t worry about what anybody else says about it, unless of course they are your mentor and building into that and bringing that peace and fulfilment,” he said.
“People will think they have a strong opinion on your life… make sure they are genuinely there for you and your life,” Elerrina said.
There are 3 questions Jason said to ask yourself for your new years resolution:
Does it steal my peace?
Does it encourage my passion?
Does it add greater value to my goal?
You can follow Jason and Naomi @themarriage_co on Instagram.
Listen Below:
About the Author: Micaela is a Freelance Write and Journalism Graduate. Find more of her work here.
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