Our culture has a fascination with greatness. We celebrate people who reach certain heights of success, and in the church world we talk about the “great things” God can do with your life and how he’ll position and promote us.

On this week’s episode of UNDISTRACTED, former pastor of Embassy City Church in Texas now full-time podcaster Tim Ross joined Laura to talk about updating our ideas of “greatness” and how the church has been complicit in giving us a faulty understanding of it.

“Greatness is relative,” Tim said.

“Greatness for one person might be ‘I stand in front of kings’, greatness for another person might be ‘I stand in front of my kids’.

“Greatness is relative,” Tim said.

“What the church hasn’t done a good job of is giving the wide array of examples that greatness can actually be.”

Sharing ideas from his new book Welcome to the Basement, Tim considers a life philosophy that isn’t all about “getting to the top”, talking about building your life on the cornerstone of Jesus and why His ideas of love and success differ from the mainstream.

Hear the full conversation on UNDISTRACTED in the listener above or wherever you get your podcasts.

Feature image: Photo courtesy of artist’s Facebook page.

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