During the HSC, it’s easy to fall into the habit of measuring your success against your classmates’ study routines, predicted scores, or how confident they seem.

Key Points

  • Unfortunately, the HSC exams have traditionally created a mix of social pressures that many students can experience.
  • The counselling Centre for Effective Living go through five vital tips that can help to overcome these social pressures.

This kind of comparison can ramp up your anxiety and make you doubt yourself. To keep your head clear, it’s crucial to cut down on the things that fuel this comparison trap.

Here are five ways to stay focused on your own path and beat social pressure during this challenging time.

1 – Avoid study groups focused on comparison

It’s easy to start comparing yourself to others, especially in study groups where the main topic is who’s doing better or worse. To keep your head clear, try studying alone or with a close friend who supports you emotionally as well as academically.

2 – Set boundaries with social media

Social media can be a major trigger for anxiety during exam time. It’s easy to get caught up in what everyone else is doing, especially when people post about their study schedules or results. Setting boundaries—like limiting your time on these platforms or taking a break—can help you focus on your own progress without distractions.

3 – Pause and reflect on your progress

Take a moment to pause and look back at how far you’ve come. Reflecting on your own goals and achievements can help you keep things in perspective, especially when entering a more competitive environment. Remember, everyone’s journey is different, and what works for one person might not work for another. Try writing down 3 things that you have achieved this year.

4 – Change the conversation with friends

If you find that conversations with friends are always about exams, try shifting the focus to non-exam-related topics. Talk about hobbies, future plans, or anything else that helps you relax and maintain a balanced perspective. This can reduce stress and remind you that life goes beyond the HSC.

5 – Remember, social comparisons are incomplete

Social comparisons only show part of the picture. You might feel behind someone in one area but ahead in another. The key is to stay focused on what’s right for you and recognize your own strengths and growth areas.

By keeping these strategies in mind, you can approach the HSC exams with a clearer head and avoid the additional stress that comparing yourself to others brings.

Article supplied with thanks to The Centre for Effective Living & Nicola Hodren.

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