‘HOPE for Everyone’ tally room wrapped up but there’s still time to give.
The Juice 107.3 Hope for Every One Appeal is currently sitting at 54.2%, significantly short of the $100,000 required to maintain the ministry into the months ahead.

Key Points:

If you were able to give this appeal, thank you for saying YES and getting behind a message of hope for the Gold Coast!

If you were one of the prayer warriors who were faithfully and diligently praying through the appeal – thank you!

We are extremely grateful to those who have contributed to the ministry so far, many giving for the first time, often giving sacrificially… each gift vital and appreciated.

If you were praying through the appeal – thank you!

We’re licensed as a community broadcaster and there are restrictions on the amount of sponsorship revenue we can generate so our End of Financial Year Appeal is an important time for the station.

When you give to Juice 107.3 you make hope possible for thousands of people every month. If we are to continue delivering a uniquely Christian radio station, reaching out with hope and purpose to the Gold Coast community, the coming weeks are the most critical in our history.

As a community broadcaster and there are restrictions on the amount of sponsorship revenue we can generate.

“The 54.2% isn’t enough to continue doing this work, so I’m inviting you to step forward in faith with a gift today,” said Juice 107.3 CEO Phillip Randal.

“The pressure of rising day to day living costs have impacted so many, and I pray that you have what you need to get through each day.

“If you are impacted and struggling financially, please put this invitation aside and know that we’re here for you.

Juice Appeal Wrapup

“If you do have capacity and you believe that the Gold Coast deserves a radio station that brings the hope of Jesus to everyone, regardless of their story so far – please consider a tax-deductible donation today.

I cannot overstate the urgency or the implications of our current financial position, but I will continue to trust God to provide what is needed and I’ll unashamedly invite you to be a part of what God is doing through Juice 107.3.”

If you haven’t made your gift yet, you have until June 30 to take advantage of tax deductibility.

You can make your secure donation via the Juice 107.3 donation page.

Support Your Juice 107.3

Donate securely online to strengthen the voice of hope for you and your loved ones

To speak to one of our friendly staff or volunteers taking donations over the phone:

07 5636 4988

Donations of $2 or more are tax deductible in Australia.

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