Our BIGGEST sales of the year!

You can save up to 70% off a radio campaign to promote your business on Juice 107.3 across the Gold Coast. Reaching 102,000* listeners every month with your message heard across Juice 107.3 radio and streaming online through our website.

EOFY Offer
Sponsorship Details
EOFY Price
ROS Special
50 x 30 second ROS2 and
BONUS 50 x 30 second BTA1 spots3
$3,500 +GST
BTA Special
100 x 30 second BTA1 spots3
$2,000 +GST

Offer available until 30 June 2024.

Contact the Juice 107.3 Sponsorship team

To secure one of the great deals for your business, contact the Juice 107.3 Sponsorship team today.

Best day-time phone number
Tell us more about your organisation & what you're wanting to achieve
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Terms & Conditions

1 Best Time Available: spots to be run anytime.

Run of Station: spots to run between 5am and midnight.

3 Production cost not included, if required a fee of $150 +GST will apply for the creation of 1 x 30 second audio file.

*Community Radio National Listener Survey – Gold Coast, wave 2, 2023, McNair Ingenuity, cumulative audience Monday to Sunday 5am – Midnight, all people aged 15+


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