Michelle and Mark, also known as The Dream Architects, have done many courses over the years to help empty nester people. This year they are running their first program for empty nester Mums.

The 3 day program aims to help Mums, whose kids have moved out or who might be homeless, with mental health issues but to also feel more empowered.

“Because they have been giving so much they haven’t had a chance to give back to themselves,” Michelle said.

The program aims to help Mums express their feelings and finding a strategy to help them through these emotions and implementing this strategy.

Previous courses they have run are about nutrition and the body, relationships, making a persons dreams come true. They also have a resourceful podcast.

Photo: AA Xpose Media

“The awakening empty nester podcast is a really good resource for people to lean on and learn some information,” Mark said.

Their online course is from the 13th -15th May. To find out more head to The Dream Architects.

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About the Author: Micaela is a Freelance Writer and a Journalism graduate. Find more of her work at Scribble About It.

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